Score vs Points vs Errors

Trouble with Synthesia, your keyboard, or adapter? Think you found a bug?
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If your keyboard has USB or MIDI ports, there is a tremendously high chance (>99%) it will work with Synthesia. See what you'll need on the keyboards page.
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Posts: 25

Post by thedealman »

I’ve been unable to determine the correlation, if any, between my overall score (at the top) vs the points achieved vs the error count.

OK, clearly there is some correlation, I.e. as I get better at the lesson my overall score goes up with points for the attempt, and the error count goes down. :anxious:

But on multiple occasions in each practice session I’ll have an instance where I know I’ve made a mess of the piece (ie lower points and more errors), yet for some reason my overall score goes up. And then there are the times that I know I’ve played it near perfectly (points ranked at #1 and errors are 0, yet the overall score up top doesn’t budge. :o
Posts: 13137

Post by Nicholas »

When you say your "overall score (at the top)", are you talking about the 83 in this box?

progress.png (9.41 KiB) Viewed 571 times

The way it's calculated is the sum of all the buttons on that screen (whose maximum values should always sum to 100). For each of the individual buttons, you can click on the "Progress breakdown" tab to see how they're calculated. And for each one Synthesia uses your best three performances (ever) according to those metrics to build that number. So in the situation where the number doesn't change, your most recent performance most likely didn't break into your top-3 (according to the rules listed on the Progress Breakdown tab).

Does that help? Or were you talking about a different score?
Posts: 25

Post by thedealman »

Yes that 83 is the score I’m talking about. But as I stated in my original post, I usually leave the tab on “points earned” since that seems to have the most useful data for me. And I still don’t understand that after say, 10 performances, I may have one that I believe is particularly bad. And the points earned tab shows me exactly that, (e.g. it may rank #8 out of 10 on points earned) yet I’ll get a congratulations fanfare and the score up top goes up. then I’ll have a performance that is clearly one of my best. And the points earned confirms that it is say in my top one or two performances. And the score up top doesn’t budge at all.
Posts: 13137

Post by Nicholas »

Well, there is always the possibility that there is a bug in there someplace, but what you described (a "bad" performance causing the fanfare and your "best" performance causing nothing) is still a possibility: the metrics used on each of those tabs is different. This is especially true in rhythm practice where there is that multiplier as your correct streak builds up. You could have the exact same number of errors (so the progress calculation would deem them to be equivalent) but if they were all grouped together in one performance, vs. being spaced perfectly in another to keep breaking your combo multiplier at the most inopportune time, the "Points Earned" numbers would be very different but the "Progress Breakdown" numbers might be very close.

I'll admit, it's not a great system. "Points Earned" is the older, original scoring that has been built in since 2007 or so. The "Progress Breakdown" tab was added in 2012. And, like I just mentioned earlier today, I've been thinking about a third, more granular way to keep track of progress for a while now.

I never like to remove anything from the app, especially results that a user may have worked very hard to achieve, but it's going to get harder to justify having three competing systems of tracking progress built into the app. :grimace:
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